The Glamour Friend

We all want one. That person to call upon for a shopping trip, a stylish movie, a good laugh. She’s got the eye and the big heart. And she’ll tell you the truth. Like an older sister. Beloved author Laurie Colwin describes this species in her classic romance Happy All the Time: They “...had gone to nightclubs. They wore pleated skirts, strapless evening dresses, and smelled of Shalimar...They carried in their handbags leather cases containing eyelash curlers, tubes of Persian Melon lipstick...They wore scanty underwear, Capri pants, and use ballet slippers as bedroom slippers…” Our Glamour Friend would find Jane’s Vanity to her liking. She might choose:

A Coverup: For planning an evening, having a chat, or writing one’s memoirs, Olivia Von Halle’s Anoushka Robe is the perfect choice.

A Slinky Dress in a fabulous color: Wise to have one at the ready. Will it be Grazia’Iliani’s Silk Dress in Cobalt or bright orange Blaze? Perhaps both.

The most ethereal Chemise: Nothing will do but the swoony Ombre Teal Silk Chemise with lavish floral lace from Merle Noir--a hand-crafted work of art. 

Stockings, of course: A collection is essential, from tights to stay-ups to full-on hose for garters. Falke provides a lovely assortment.

Merci, Jane’s Vanity. Nice to have a friend who understands. 

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