Savvy Hotel

Travel is in the air this time of year. Hotels whisper promises of indoor adventure. Jane’s Vanity makes sure that you are prepared, worldwide.
The Coconut Hotel, somewhere in the South Pacific: An unexpected layover presents hospitality at its quirkiest. Test your metal in clothes that make you happy wherever you go. Allow yourself the freedom of the moment in a Marjolaine half-slip, worn as a skirt on a sulty night.
Zee Sweet Little Paris Hotel: Tiny street, tiny room, tiny bar. Good thing your luggage is a backpack. Perfect chance to let your tiny wardrobe create a subdued Parisian look. Add a beautiful Klements scarf for a pop of color and a bit of warmth.
La Dolce Vita Hotel, Roma: Take inspiration from the sunshine and colors of Italy. Wear pattern to extravagance. Make Olivia Von Halle’s jaunty cropped Daria Barbara Floral Silk Pajama (with summery short sleeves) the base for your day: over a tee at Villa Borghese, under a little jacket for dinner at L’Arcangelo.
The James Bond Hotel, Bangkok: Just room to pack one coverup. What will it be? Something long and interesting, to wear as a duster or even a dress. A billowy heat solution in the shade of a klong (canal). Handy when everything else goes to the laundry. Try the Morpho + Luna’s ethereal Bianca Robe in fabulous tropical print.
The No One Knows Me Hotel, Sao Paulo: Celebrate anonymity with a daring wardrobe mash-up. Have you tried wearing your blouse back to front? Let the city’s proudly-displayed graffiti art be your inspiration. Find all new ways to wear the splashy Alix Floral Silk Robe from Morpho + Luna.
The Savvy Hotel, London: Your travel wardrobe is totally VIP. It’s the top tier of favorite mixable items that make you feel good, look stellar. Unexpected invitation? No problem. Celebrate London’s melting pot of food and culture in Olivia Van Halle’s Issa Carmine Slip, casually draped with Cadolle’s Burgundy Velvet Robe.
Bon Voyage! Bon Hotel! Bon Jane’s Vanity!
-Kate L