Embracing The Season

It's definitely a winter day; it can happen just like that. Yesterday was a blustery day with plenty of rain & occasionally it would change to fat snowy rain; beautiful to watch. Today I'm with two lovely dogs looking out across Lake Tahoe, winds whip coldly & I can see snow dusting the peaks of the mountains that rim the lake. No better time than now to change my wardrobe to reflect the season that's no longer deniably here to stay.
All my pale pastel lingerie sets have swapped places in the drawers with their dark counterparts. Rich jewel tones, velvet embellishments, soutache, satins & thick laces. Suddenly the season ahead is much more bearable! I move all of my summer pajamas & robes to the back of the closet & proceed to replace them with the winter offerings. I'm happy to see them all, they are like old friends returning from a long forgotten journey, and I'm ready to wrap up in them & listen to their tales. I'm happy to caress my long dark teal velvet robe once again & witness the deep rich warmth of the colors emanating from my closet; it's a very satisfying feeling. I've kept several short sets with long sleeves in the pajama mix; they are still quite viable & useful in this season. They are perfect for travel, if space is an issue, & the shirts can layer over gowns for a little added warmth & update; I think that's clever!
All my pale pastel lingerie sets have swapped places in the drawers with their dark counterparts. Rich jewel tones, velvet embellishments, soutache, satins & thick laces. Suddenly the season ahead is much more bearable! I move all of my summer pajamas & robes to the back of the closet & proceed to replace them with the winter offerings. I'm happy to see them all, they are like old friends returning from a long forgotten journey, and I'm ready to wrap up in them & listen to their tales. I'm happy to caress my long dark teal velvet robe once again & witness the deep rich warmth of the colors emanating from my closet; it's a very satisfying feeling. I've kept several short sets with long sleeves in the pajama mix; they are still quite viable & useful in this season. They are perfect for travel, if space is an issue, & the shirts can layer over gowns for a little added warmth & update; I think that's clever!
Looking over my collection,I realize I could easily attend a different pajama party weekly, for months to come, & never wear the same pajamas twice. Now some might say that's too much, but not me! Think of all the dark hours this season brings; rather then weep about it, I'm putting a positive spin on it. Hours to luxuriate in loungewear, it's almost a beauty treatment. Slipping into pajamas is instantly relaxing, it's telling your body; now is the time for ease.
With such therapeutic counterbalances for the season that surrounds us for months to come you can understand why I'm really looking forward to the arrival of our latest loungewear collections for an infusion of instant happiness. Gosh, it's not just pajamas I'm in love with, & I've only hinted at the beautiful robes & gowns soon to make an appearance online. Think of how much fun these robes can play in your wardrobe moving into spring as a fetchingly glorious coat!
Just to tempt you... Olivia von Halle has this insanely beautiful long robe with hand embroidered jeweled snakes slithering around it. Christine has a cobalt blue silk gown to slip under a rich brilliant blue Devore robe. The high contrast of a dark floral set against an ivory silk ground is a striking beauty of a robe from Morpho + Luna.
Slip into your own state of happiness!