Customer Blog: Freedom

When I first stepped into the original Jane’s Vanity brick and mortar store many years ago, I had no idea that it would be so liberating to possess beautiful lingerie. Flo Ziegfeld had his chorus girls wear gorgeous undies to give them confidence. Rather, I think it gives one freedom to wear the best.
To illustrate what I mean, here is a sample of my first purchases at Jane’s Vanity: I started with pretty bra and panty sets, from black lace to screaming pink satin. Then I added a few outerwear pieces. I still remember walking out of the store with my first little English sweater with filigree all over in a tasteful grey. Then there was the clingy cashmere sweater with Bansky-like image. And the gold lamé sox. A long stainless steel chain, some dangly earrings, the silver slip with mysterious stretch. And so on. Everything seemed to mesh together in a playful way (and continues to do so, nearly twenty years later).
I recently read a style article that suggested starting with shoes when creating an outfit. I say, "Go deeper!" Start with your electric blue undies and work out. Suddenly the sun comes out, and you have a smile on your face. A little perfume can’t hurt either. And, if you have a few timeless items like the ones I have from Jane, getting dressed is a treat--my idea of freedom.
Having pretty extras also works well for traveling. Great stockings, a lovely slip, an ethereal long-sleeve tee shirt tuck right into your bag and are there when you need them. They provide the “contorni,” a word used in Italian cuisine to describe the side dishes that add character to a meal. I think it fits!
Recently I fulfilled a dream by taking my beautiful daughter-in-law-to-be for a visit with Jane & Emily. She selected a gorgeous cobalt blue slip & robe that perfectly set off her long red hair. I wouldn't trade the smile on her face for anything. I hope it will be merely the beginning.
-Kate L