Bill Cunningham Style

Is there a secret to style? Bill Cunningham sought the answer throughout his fascinating life in fashion. Cunningham, who died in 2016, was most famous as a photographer of street fashion for the New York Times. His charming blue-coated, bicycle-riding persona made him a legend at the entrance to Bergdorf’s. To be photographed by Bill was a badge of honor. The 2010 documentary film, Bill Cunningham New York*, tells the story. But, earlier in life, Cunningham had also had careers as a millinery designer and as a fashion writer. Now, his memoir, Fashion Climbing, has been published posthumously. Time for a few hints.
Cunningham deeply believed in following one’s own fashion voice. He certainly did (despite his family’s displeasure). He would have loved the Jane’s Vanity attitude that you can dress for yourself. In his book, he encourages readers to look to their own shape, coloring, temperament, and personality. Not to buy randomly, but, rather, to put together specific outfits that suit oneself. And to show a little daring, rather than follow the crowd. This outlook can’t be bottled or purchased. But, it can be cultivated, “like a rare flower, all through life.”
Find your inner elegance with unforgettable garments from Jane’s Vanity. They elevate your mood and complement your proportions. A great way to start your daily fashion game. Bill Cunningham would certainly have approved.
*Bonus: A new documentary, The Times of Bill Cunningham, will be in cinemas this spring. Its inspiration is an extended interview that Cunningham gave filmmaker Mark Bozek in 1994.