Another Stylish Book Review

I thought a sequel to my original Stylish Book Review was in order, as I've found several new treasures to add to my collection. So here it is. Another Stylish Book Review: Three Long + One Short.
The Long:
My little style library constantly changes, but three longer titles are “core.” Although not new, they stand out among my treasured assortment of fashion and design books. Full of information, ideas, and adventures, they ask to be read again, when the moment feels right. They are friends.
Always Pack a Party Dress by Amanda Brooks
For years the author lived the dream of being a fashion insider. Then she walked away. Her writing is intimate, honest, and funny. It brings back the ups and downs of youth. The book has a nice little section on packing, too.
Influence by Mary-Kate Olsen and Ashley Olsen
Published almost 10 years ago, this large-format collection of interviews and photos is a period piece. But the choice of interviewees is terrific, and the conversations offer surprising candor about the world of fashion and art.
Redeeming Features: a Memoir by Nicky Haslam
Haslam has charm, talent, outrageousness. He has been everywhere, done everything, and he writes so beautifully. Follow along as he describes his life from English country childhood, through the Swinging 60s, on to America, and back to London to establish his decorating business. Then check out his YouTube video, Real Live Girl, that spotlights his latest career move as cabaret singer.
The Short:
I’m always on the lookout for new style books. Here is a short one that is pretty and upbeat, with great photos:
Parisian Chic Look Book: What Should I Wear Today? By Ines De La Fressange and Sophie Gachet
Ines suggests that you have what you require in your closet. You just need the ultimate Parisian to show you how to put it all together. She’s got you covered, with page and after page of great scenarios. Example? “From Bed to Work in One MInute Flat.”
-Kate L